Sunday, March 28, 2010

Welcome Landon Ryan!

We finally welcomed our baby boy, Landon Ryan, on Monday, March 22nd at 4:03 pm. He came into this world very quickly, which I was very thankful for!! We went in on Monday morning to get induced for the 4th time and then were sent home at about 10:00. Ryan and I just hung out and went out to lunch and then went back to the hospital at 2:30 to get induced again. However, at that point, I was starting to feel some contractions, but nothing to exciting, nothing too painful. My doctor decided she was going to break my water and she did that at about 3:45. When she did that it was game on! I defintely felt the contractions and defintely asked for some medication but for the 3rd time it was too late, no medication for any of my deliveries. I really didn't need it, one push and he was born at 4:03 PM. It was amazing and sad all at the same time knowing this was the last time I was going to be pregnant and the last time I would deliver a baby.
He weighed in at 8 lbs. 9 oz. and was 22 inches long. He is just precious and it is so fun having a boy in our house! We are all trying to get adjusted to having a newborn in our house again. I forget how little sleep you really do get and how often they eat and poop! It has been so nice having Ryan home helping out, as he took a week and a half off! I am going to miss him when he has to go back to work on Wednesday! The girls, of course, love their little brother. Kaylie is playing mommy's little helper and getting me anything I need and Maddie just looks at her brother in awe and every minute comes and gives him kisses and tells him that she loves him.

Here are several pictures from the first week:

Landon Ryan Gafner

A tired Landon

Sleeping the day away in the hospital

The lovely 1 hour after having a baby picture, but we have to have one!

Landon getting ready to go home from the hospital.

Our little man of the house.

The girls cuddling up with Landon

Proud big sister Kaylie

Proud big sister Madelyn

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